Vanguard Arts Center Weekly Lesson Policies

  • Cost per Lesson 

  • 30 min lesson- $42.50

  • 45 min lesson- $63.75

  • 60 min lesson- $85

  • Vanguard Arts Center’s Weekly Lesson Membership entitles all students to a reserved time on their music instructor’s schedule. Members will be charged on the 1st of the month for the upcoming month of lessons. 

  • There are no credits or make-ups for when a student cancels a lesson, except in the case of illness or family emergency. Teacher’s may elect to schedule a makeup lesson at their own discretion. 

  • Make-up lessons can not be held during the student’s regularly reserved studio time

  • If Vanguard or your teacher cancels a lesson, you will have the opportunity to schedule a make-up directly with their teacher. If a make-up cannot be scheduled, Vanguard will adjust the following month’s tuition accordingly.

  • Vanguard Arts Center does not follow the Fairfax County Public School schedule.  We will be open and giving lessons for many federal holidays like Columbus Day and MLK Day, as well as most snow days and spring break. Please assume your teacher is at Vanguard and your lesson is happening. The front desk staff will be happy to confirm and/or clarify any questions about your lesson, please call and double check.

  • Vanguard Arts Center does not work on a semester schedule. Vanguard will assume a student is continuing and charge them for the next month unless told otherwise. 

  • Students have the option to take their lesson virtually over Zoom for any reason. Students must inform the front desk no later than 1:00 the day of their lesson to ensure that the teacher has enough time to prepare for a virtual lesson. This is especially helpful in the case of inclement weather where a family doesn’t feel safe traveling to Vanguard.

  • If a student would like to cancel their lessons at Vanguard Arts Center, the (adult) student or student’s parent must email to notify the store of their intention to cancel the membership. Vanguard Arts Center requires 15 days' notice to cancel lessons. When a lesson cancellation email is received, Vanguard Arts Center will reconcile the billing at that time, either refunding lessons that are scheduled after 15 days, or charging any unpaid lessons within that 15 day period.